NAD For Addiction

What is NAD?

NAD is an acronym representing two things:

  • A metabolic coenzyme of vitamin B3 called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
  • A holistic type of addiction therapy called natural assisted detox

Essential for repairing, structuring and remodeling all cells in your body, metabolic coenzymes such as NAD must be plentiful in the bloodstream to support optimal health. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide also promotes production of ATP, the fundamental energy molecule responsible for completing hundreds of metabolic functions. Without NAD and ATP fueling cellular activity, we would simple cease to exist.

Studies indicate a strong correlation between people with low NAD levels and a vulnerability to addiction and certain diseases. In addition, over-processing and cooking of food destroys NAD molecules. Any NAD remaining in foods is damaged by hydrochloric acid in the stomach and degraded further before reaching the intestines, where most nutrients are absorbed and released into the bloodstream.

NAD deficiency is now considered a key factor behind:

  • Chronic headaches
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Clinical depression
  • Substance addictions
  • Insomnia
  • Memory disturbances

Ongoing research involving the importance of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide in providing the “rocket fuel” necessary for exceptionally robust cells and overall health continues to give clients the fortitude they need to defeat their addiction.

How Does NAD Work?

Those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction suffer from malnutrition and neurotransmitter imbalances because they do not eat the right foods. In addition, addictive substances interfere significantly with normal brain functioning, which relies heavily on neurotransmitters and the brain cells that release them. Our NAD detox revitalizes an addict’s poor health by replenishing the body with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.

By actively supporting cell restoration and energy levels, natural assisted detox treatment reduces the severity of withdrawal symptoms, minimizes cravings and expedites recovery by increasing the comfort level of the person in recovery.

Through increasing the production of neurotransmitters implicated in addiction, NAD therapy effectively promotes correction of neurotransmitter imbalances underpinning substance abuse and psychological disorders commonly accompanying addiction. Unfortunately, many who struggle with addiction also often suffer from mental illnesses that have not been properly diagnosed.

In fact, they may have become addicted to drugs as a way to escape crippling depression, anxiety, PTSD or schizo-affective disorders. NAD therapy can help treat addictions and mental health issues holistically and without the side effects sometimes caused by anti-addiction medication.

What are the benefits of NAD Treatment for Addiction?

Our NAD treatment offers a safe, natural alternative to detoxification programs incorporating medications to relieve the discomfort of withdrawing. Although medications such as Suboxone and Antabuse are helpful in suppressing cravings, they do not address the problems of a NAD deficiency found in so many suffering from drug or alcohol addiction.

Two primary NAD benefits clients enjoy are increased energy levels and cognitive abilities necessary for completing their recovery program. Additionally, NAD therapy:

  • Stimulates re-establishment of healthy neuronal connections
  • Improves mental clarity
  • Strengthens your immune system to help you stay as illness-free and energized as possible throughout your recovery

Traditional detoxification supported with addiction medications leaves the brain to heal on its own. In contrast, NAD treatment works directly to re-stabilize neurotransmitter levels, especially serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, and improve a person’s general health and well-being by replenishing cells with an enzyme essential to life itself — nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.


What to Expect During NAD Treatment at Revival Hydration?

Each day over a seven- to 10-day period, an IV is inserted into your arm through which the NAD solution will be delivered into your bloodstream. Some patients experience abatement of withdrawal symptoms within several hours. For most of our clients, however, relief from withdrawal symptoms, body aches, cravings and mental “fog” begins on about the fourth or fifth day of treatment.

While receiving NAD therapy, you can relax comfortably in a chair and rest while the infusion takes place. It is vital you complete all infusion processes to fully benefit from natural assisted detox

What Happens After NAD Therapy?

Clients participating in NAD detox will also receive psychosocial counseling with one of our compassionate addiction counselors and long-term relapse prevention with injectable Naltrexone.

If you or someone you know is addicted to painkillers, street drugs or alcohol, please call Rev(IV)al Hydration today to learn more about NAD benefits and our comprehensive addiction recovery programs designed specifically to address your particular physical, psychological and emotional needs.