Can IV Therapy Help Manage Autoimmune Disease Symptoms? Exploring the Potential Benefits

An autoimmune disease occurs when the body’s immune system attacks and destroys healthy body tissue by mistake. There are more than 80 types of autoimmune disorders.

A person may have more than one autoimmune disorder at the same time. Common autoimmune disorders include:

  • Addison disease
  • Celiac disease – sprue (gluten-sensitive enteropathy)
  • Dermatomyositis
  • Graves disease
  • Hashimoto thyroiditis
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Pernicious anemia
  • Reactive arthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sjogren syndrome
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Type I diabetes


Symptoms may vary, based on the type and location of the faulty immune response. Common symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Joint Pain
  • Rash

Symptoms vary depending on the disorder and the part of the body affected. Some autoimmune disorders affect certain types of tissue throughout the body—for example, blood vessels, cartilage, or skin. Other autoimmune disorders affect a particular organ. Virtually any organ, including the kidneys, lungs, heart, and brain, can be affected. The resulting inflammation and tissue damage can cause pain, deformed joints, weakness, jaundice, itching, difficulty breathing, accumulation of fluid (edema), delirium, and even death.

Causes of Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune reactions can be triggered in several ways:

  • A normal body substance is altered, for example, by a virus, a drug, sunlight, or radiation. The altered substance may appear foreign to the immune system. For example, a virus can infect and thus alter cells in the body. The virus-infected cells stimulate the immune system to attack.
  • A foreign substance that resembles a natural body substance may enter the body. The immune system may inadvertently target the similar body substance as well as the foreign substance. For example, the bacteria that cause strep throat have an antigen that is like an antigen in human heart cells. Rarely, the immune system attacks a person’s heart after strep throat (this reaction is part of rheumatic fever).
  • The cells that control antibody production for example, B cells (a type of white blood cell) may malfunction and produce abnormal antibodies that attack some of the body’s cells.
  • A substance in the body that is normally confined to a specific area (and thus is hidden from the immune system) is released into the bloodstream. For example, a blow to the eye can cause the fluid in the eyeball to be released into the bloodstream. The fluid stimulates the immune system to identify the eye as foreign and attack it.

Why something triggers an autoimmune reaction or disorder in one person (and not another) is usually unknown. However, heredity is sometimes involved. Some people have genes that make them slightly more likely to develop an autoimmune disorder. This slightly increased susceptibility to an autoimmune disorder, rather than the disorder itself, is inherited. In susceptible people, a trigger, such as a viral infection or tissue damage, may cause the disorder to develop.

How IV Therapy can Help Autoimmune Diseases

While there is no magic cure for autoimmune diseases, there are ways of boosting the immune system to reduce the severity of symptoms and possibly prevent an outbreak or flare-up. Rev(IV)al Hydration’s Autoimmune Drip formula works alongside your other doctor approved treatments for whole-body immunity support.

This treatment has a 100% absorption rate by the body because it bypassed the digestive system and delivered directly to the cells. This is important because vitamins and supplements taken orally are not as potent as Rev(IV)al Hydration’s methods. Below we will examine the vitamins and minerals that go into each blend of Autoimmune Drip and how they help to boost the immune system.

Vitamin B12

B12 plays a vital role in the body, helping white blood cell production, which is essential for a properly functioning immune system. Certain autoimmune diseases stop the body from absorbing vitamin B12 in the stomach, which can further complicate health issues. Luckily, because IV infusions bypass the stomach, the body can absorb the vitamins it needs.


Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that is important in minimizing damage to the body from oxidative stress. Glutathione is especially important for those suffering from autoimmune diseases because it protects cells from inflammation, boosts the immune system, and supports the healing of the stomach lining and the blood-brain barrier. An IV infusion of glutathione is the most effective method for increasing levels stored in the body.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also known to be a potent antioxidant and supports the body by playing a role in cellular functions. By helping the immune system, it calms the body’s natural response so the body can destress. Stress can exacerbate autoimmune symptoms and make it more challenging for the body to defend itself from other external factors, like viruses. In lab studies, IV therapy of vitamin C for autoimmune diseases has shown effective in helping to manage symptoms.


L- glutamine also supports the health of the stomach lining and can be especially helpful for those suffering from leaky gut or other stomach related autoimmune diseases. Having adequate levels of L-glutamine can help heal the gut, improve brain health, and support muscle repair. It is an essential amino acid in maintaining optimal health for those suffering from autoimmune diseases.


Micronutrient deficiencies in the body, specifically magnesium, selenium, and zinc, are linked to several autoimmune diseases. This is thought to be because all three of these nutrients help to regulate inflammation in the body. During periods of inflammation, the body is not absorbing all the nutrients it should be from food and supplements. Specifically, autoimmune thyroid disorders like Hashimoto’s disease can benefit significantly from additional magnesium supplements.


Selenium is another helpful tool for managing inflammation because it is an essential trace mineral that has anti-inflammatory effects in the body. In a study published in 2019, it was demonstrated that an adequate quantity of selenium in the body could contribute to the management of complications of autoimmune diseases and even improved quality of life in patients with autoimmune diseases. IV treatments are so effective because it detours around the stomach for maximum absorption and potency. This mineral is also known for being particularly helpful with improper thyroid function.


Zinc is the second most abundant metal in the body and is involved in cell division and growth, DNA and RNA transcription, and vitamin and mineral absorption. This is another mineral that deficiency is linked to autoimmune disorders; this is because it is essential in the production of white blood cells. White blood cells are the cells that make up the immune system! Since zinc is one of the 24 crucial minerals that the body cannot store or make, it is vital to supplement your intake. It has also been shown to be a helpful mineral for those suffering from leaky gut or other autoimmune disorders affecting the gut.

Diagnosis of Autoimmune Disease

  • Blood tests
  • A doctor’s evaluation

Blood tests that indicate the presence of inflammation may suggest an autoimmune disorder. Such tests include the following:

  • The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR): This test measures how quickly red blood cells (erythrocytes) settle to the bottom of a test tube containing blood. When inflammation is present, the ESR is often increased because proteins that are produced in response to inflammation interfere with the ability of red blood cells to remain suspended in blood.
  • Complete blood count (CBC): This test includes determining the number of red blood cells in blood. This number is frequently decreased (anemia) because fewer red blood cells are produced when inflammation is present.

Treatment of Autoimmune Disease

The goals of treatment are to:

  • Control the autoimmune process
  • Maintain the body’s ability to fight disease
  • Reduce symptoms